man standing on rock formation

More favourites on Chaturbate

I did write about one of my favourites at Chaturbate and here is couple more. Currently I am following 56 performers at Chaturbate. Most of them are twinks with big cock. I am not going to write about all of them! At least not in this post, probably never. Only couple cam is Paradise_boy_s. Some times someone else is performing with a certain performer, but Ryan and Casper are only ones that I follow that are always together on the show. I am on “wrong” time zone so Ryan and Casper are often online when I am sleeping, It is a little bummer, I like to watch them. They usually don’t fuck in public show, but man those two are good looking guys and both have a really nice cock!

Dominic_Radccliffe did perform earlier with his friend, but he usually is performing alone now. Sometimes he has multiple of his friends with his show, no sex or something like that with friends. Dominic is a dancer with a big cock (have you noticed the pattern already?) Dumar is not online all the time, I suspect he has his own life outside of the Chaturbate 🙂 what a novel idea!

I think I don’t follow anyone with a small cock, but smallest that I follow is probably Morthy Downey and well… His cock is not small, it is just smallest in my list what I follow. He is a Dj and he sometimes plays music in his show, sometimes naked, sometimes shirtless, sometimes something else. He also work out often in his shows.

I was not going to write this according to the cock size but that started to happen so let’s go with the flow! Who has the biggest cock? weelll That is actually a little hard to say. Definitely Alan Rosee, Bjorn Haward and Anthony hots are in the top, but I can’t say for sure who has the biggest or does anyone else in my list have bigger cock. I might have also picked those three with other traits than just the cock size.

Size of the cock is not that big of a deal in my life, real life I mean. Chaturbate is fun for me. As a watcher or as a performer. I don’t do shows because of my life is depending on them, I would starve to death under of a boat if it was, I do them for the fun, although I do like the extra money what I get. It is not much but for example all of my Lovense toys are paid with money I have get from Charturbate. Btw Now that we talk about Lovense, I have a Lovense wish list!

One response to “More favourites on Chaturbate”

  1. […] sauna when I did read the email and was a little worried at first. I did not remembered what was in the article. Nothing worth DMCA claim, it was the affiliate […]

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Hi yall! Its me! Bear who sometimes plays on chaturbate and stripchat.

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