Seven months! How it is possible? It really has been seven months since I started this project. Luckily I am not in hurry.
I have been slow both writing and in progress of losing weight. Luckily, after the start, weight loss has been constant, albeit slow. I might not write as often I originally intended to write but some times I will write.
So what I have done? Not much actually. I don’t have any forbidden foods and I don’t go to gym. I have a step goal per week and I have reduced consumption of some foods and added some. I have drink alcohol only once this year, but this has nothing to do with weight loss project. I count calories, yes, but I am not too fuzzy about it. It is more for me to teach me to know how much I can eat.
I will not list what foods are not so often on the menu and what are on more. You know what kind of foods they are. Let just say that I have eaten today fried eggs, bread and 1/2 pizza. In the fridge is tuna salad waiting for afternoon and yoghurt for snack before bed. You don’t need to be a food guru to know what of those foods are often on the menu and what aren’t.
Goal is to lose 0.5 kg per week. That has not happened! I am still happy! I didn’t set that goal as a hard goal, it is more like a guide line, don’t go much over this, but stay close also in other direction.
I have lost about 8 kg. Roughly half of the goal. Could be better, could be much better! However I do like how easy this has been because I do know I need to keep doing this rest of my life, not weight loss, but control of my weight. I have not done it earlier and that is why I still have about 40 kg extra fat.
Will I go to the gym? I might and I should, but we will see. It is winter here now and that will impact how much I am out of my house and that will impact on my step count. Probably weight loss will be even slower for next 4 months, but I don’t care. I just want to keep direction right.
I started this day on the scale and that scale showed 134.4 kg. Why then I have a picture showing 135.3 kg? Because I didn’t take the picture in the morning, but I took it just before noon. I have “gained” 900 g in six hours. Yes, that is perfectly normal and that is why I use scale often. I know that my weight changes during a day. I have seen it change over 2 kg per day! For me it is better to see day to day changes, but for you it might be better to weight in only once a week or even once a month! In a month weight change is big enough that you can see it regardless of daily fluctuations. I myself want to see those fluctuations.
I consider my “real” weight to be around 135.4 kg at the moment. That is what macrofactor app says. I am not sure how it calculates the weight, but it is some kind of average on last week or last two weeks weight ins. I weight myself almost every morning right after I wake up and after toilet visit.
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